Oil Skimmers are used to skim floating oil on water surface. They find an application in areas such as,
Hydraulic Oil Mix - Up in Coolant Tanks
Oil Accumulation in Effluent Collection Tanks
Degreasing baths in plating tanks
Oil from components in Insudtrial Cleaning Machines
Skimmers are available either as “DISCS “, “BELT”, “TUBE”, “CHAIN” , “ FLOATING DRUM”, “FLOATING WIER” , " FLOATING DISCS"," FLOATING BRUSH " , "PORTABLE VACUUM SYSTEMS" , "OIL SPILL RESPONSE" etc..... Disc Skimmers are used in applications where the variation in water level are low and collection thanks are smaller – such as Cleaning Machines & Degreasing Baths. Belt Skimmers are used in applications where the variations in water level are high and tanks are bigger and deeper – as in effluent Collection tanks.
Chain Skimmers are used for removal of floating Oil, Grease, Scum, Algae and Debris across large surface area of tanks. They are also used along with DAF systems.
Tube Skimmers are used when quantity of oil removal required is relatively low with respect to surface area of tank.
Drum Skimmers and Floating Wier Skimmers are used for Oil Slick removal in large Ponds, Rivers, Oceans. They are optionally used along with Towing Boats and Oils Booms.